WLS provides a wide range of services for its clients on local, state and federal matters.

gov-affairs-30pxGovernment Affairs

– Relationship Building & Outreach with Legislative and Agency Officials.

– Draft policy language for statutory changes and administrative rules.

– Legislative monitoring, research & analysis, including bill tracking, committee and hearing updates.

– Attendance and testimony before legislative and agency hearings, meetings, and other events.

– Funding & Procurement.



comm-reportingCommunications & Reporting

– Draft effective communication strategies.

– Regular Reporting on committee activities, floor votes and movements, proposed bills, and agency rules and regulations.

– Comprehensive review of bills, proposed administrative rules and budget amendments.



grassrootsGrassroots Efforts

– Organize and manage effective grassroots networks and media campaigns by arranging meetings with media, press conferences, writing and preparing speech drafts, support materials, pamphlets, brochures and information packets.

– Education of members or employees on political activity.



strategic-planningStrategic Planning

– Assist in developing and implementing of fundraising strategies and disbursement of funds.

– Development and implementation of cost-effective lobbying and political strategies, which meet client legislative and regulatory goals.



spec-eventsSpecial Events

– Special event planning including logistics, on-site administration, and media coordination.



legal-assistanceLegal Assistance

– WLS is staffed by licensed attorneys with experience assisting clients with issues including political law, campaign finance, election law, veteran and military law.  For further information on legal assistance, visit www.nmlbvet.com.

We work with clients and organizations with all sizes of budgets and tailor our fees to the level of activity that is requested.  From legislative monitoring to active defense or contest of bills or regulations, WLS is able to assist its clients meet all their goals.